Understanding the Different Types of PureBulk Nootropics

February 08, 2024

Understanding the Different Types of PureBulk Nootropics

What Are Nootropics?

Nootropics in Popular Culture

The film Limitless popularized the concept of nootropics, albeit through a distorted lens. Nootropic supplements don’t endow people with unprecedented insight and charisma, nor can a single capsule make someone a successful businessperson in the blink of an eye. Nootropics don’t transform people into a superhuman version of themselves so much as they optimize their cognitive capabilities. Even so, some nootropics do have notable effects on social skills, while others help people achieve impressive focusing abilities.

Nootropics in Real Life

Nootropics, also called smart drugs, are a group of natural or synthetic compounds that enhance cognition and mental performance. Some help improve memory and focus, while others boost creativity and motivation. Chemist Cornelius E. Giurgea first coined the term nootropics in 1972. He derived the name from the Greek words nöos and tropein, which mean mind and to bend or turn. Put together, the word literally means mind changing. Giurgea established five characteristics all nootropic compounds share:

  • They should enhance memory and learning in some way.
  • They should help keep memories or learned information intact, even under conditions that typically disturb them (e.g., hypoxia or electric shock).
  • They should exert neuroprotective effects against chemical or physical injuries.
  • They should improve the effectiveness of the brain's control mechanisms.
  • They should not act like typical drugs that affect the mind, such as causing drowsiness or excessive activity. Instead, they should have minimal side effects and be very safe to use.

Nootropics are popular among college students preparing for exams, and many business professionals rely on nootropics for a boost in brainpower. In fact, most people consume at least one nootropic daily without realizing it: caffeine. Most individuals drink caffeine for an energy boost, but they may not realize their morning cup of coffee is also what clears their head to allow them to buckle down on their studies or work. [1 - 6]

What Nootropics Does Pure Bulk Carry and What Do They Do?

Nootropics have three primary mechanisms that allow them to enhance cognitive functions. They either increase acetylcholine, oxygen supply, or neurochemical (e.g., neurotransmitters, hormones, and enzymes) availability in the brain. Nootropics have several other properties that influence cognition, including:

  • Neuroprotection: Some nootropics have neuroprotective properties, helping to safeguard brain cells from damage or degeneration.
  • Optimizing Blood Flow: Certain nootropics enhance blood flow to the brain, improving nutrient and oxygen delivery.
  • Enhanced Synaptic Plasticity: Nootropics influence synaptic plasticity, a crucial aspect for learning and memory.
  • Anti-Inflammatory Effects: Some nootropics have anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce inflammation in the brain.
  • Improved Energy Metabolism: Nootropics can enhance energy production and metabolism in brain cells.
  • Brain Wave Modulation: Certain nootropics can influence brain wave patterns, affecting states of alertness, relaxation, or focus.

[7 - 12]

PureBulk carries several nootropic supplements with unique properties that can support and enhance cognitive function.

Caffeine. Caffeine increases alertness by blocking adenosine receptors. Adenosine neurotransmitters cause feelings of drowsiness or sleepiness, and inhibiting them promotes wakefulness. Research from Johns Hopkins University shows that caffeine helps enhance long-term memory consolidation. However, researchers noted that the benefits came 24 hours after consuming caffeine. Students may find this particularly interesting, as it suggests that consuming caffeine after a study session can help them better remember what they learned. Caffeine can also improve focus, reaction time, and DNA repair efficiency. PureBulk carries Caffeine Powder 10% (90% Mannitol), Caffeine Powder Capsules Pure (200mg), Caffeine Powder Pure, and Caffeine Powder Pure (Natural Coffee Bean). [13 - 16]

L-Theanine. L-theanine is an amino acid found in high concentrations in green tea leaves. It can enhance cognitive function in several ways. It boosts alpha and theta brain waves, increases cerebral neurotransmitter levels, and offers neuroprotection. Alpha brain waves are associated with a calm and focused mental state that facilitates improved learning, creativity, and overall mental coordination. Theta waves are associated with creativity, intuition, and the integration of experiences. They are also linked to a state of deep relaxation and can facilitate access to the subconscious mind. Theanine may also help prevent stress-induced memory loss. Interestingly, caffeine and theanine synergize to improve speed and accuracy during attention-switching tasks. The combination can also reduce distraction susceptibility while performing mentally demanding tasks. Theanine can curb caffeine side effects like jitteriness, too. [12, 17 - 23]

Green tea extract. In addition to l-theanine, green tea is rich in epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG). EGCG is a flavonoid with antioxidant properties. It helps protect the brain by attenuating oxidative stress and enhancing nerve growth factor (NGF) function. Enhanced NGF promotes neurite growth, which is essential for repairing damaged nerves. EGCG also promotes nerve cell differentiation, a vital process for brain health. Research shows that EGCG can help suppress brain aging. PureBulk carries Green Tea Extract Powder (50% Caffeine), Green Tea Extract Powder (50% EGCG), and Green Tea Extract Powder (50% Polyphenols). [24 - 26]

Acetyl l-carnitine (ALCAR). ALCAR is a synthetic and much more bioavailable form of l-carnitine. It supports brain health by increasing acetylcholine levels and supporting energy metabolism in the brain. Acetylcholine is a crucial neurotransmitter for brain function and memory. ALCAR helps make more of it by donating a methyl group. It also delivers fatty acids to the mitochondria in brain cells to synthesize adenosine triphosphate (ATP) for energy. [27 – 30]

Dimethylaminoethanol (DMAE bitartrate). DMAE is structurally similar to choline and helps boost choline levels by inhibiting choline metabolism. It also provides neuroprotection by acting as a lipofuscin scavenger. Lipofuscin is a waste product that accumulates in nerve cells, including those in the brain. DMAE helps remove this cellular waste. Some research shows that DMAE may also increase attention and vigilance. [31 - 33]

Bacopa monnieri. Bacopa monnieri is a nootropic adaptogen, meaning it enhances cognition and improves the body’s ability to resist stress. It’s rich in bacosides A and B that boost cognitive function by improving communication between neurons in the brain. They also help repair nerve damage. One study found that participants taking bacopa monnieri supplements for 12 weeks experienced better word recall, memory, focus in an academic setting, and attention span. Another study reported that bacopa reduced the brain’s susceptibility to stress when under pressure while simultaneously enhancing cognition, making it a calming cognitive enhancer. Further research notes that bacopa monnieri can improve verbal learning, memory acquisition, and delayed word recall. [34 - 37]

Choline. Choline is crucial to synthesize the memory neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Acetylcholine is essential for memory storage and retrieval, cognition, and concentration. Several studies show that choline supplements improve memory dramatically. PureBulk carries several choline supplements, including Choline bitartrate, Alpha GPC, and Citicoline Sodium. [38 - 42]

Ashwagandha. Ashwagandha is an Ayurvedic adaptogen and antioxidant with potent stress-relieving properties. It contains bioactive withanolides that help reduce levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Withanolides can also boost memory by repairing and growing axons and dendrites in cerebral nerve cells and facilitating synapse regeneration. Axons and dendrites help to rebuild neuronal networks, while synapses allow cells to communicate with each other. Withanolides can also enhance learning and cognition by blocking acetylcholinesterase enzymes from breaking down acetylcholine neurotransmitters. Ashwagandha is a particularly notable nootropic, as research shows that it significantly improves cognitive performance and reaction time—even in adults with robust health. [43 - 47]

Creatine monohydrate. Creatine monohydrate is a popular pre-workout supplement that facilitates rapid ATP synthesis for energy in the muscles. The enhanced ATP availability can increase strength, power, and overall athletic performance. However, recent research shows that creatine has nootropic properties. It boosts cognitive health and function by influencing cognitive performance, enhancing cerebral energy capacity, and acting as a neuroprotectant. While exercise depletes ATP in the muscles, the brain burns through energy reserves much faster. Several studies show that creatine supplements have profound cognitive effects. Participants taking creatine supplements experienced significant improvements in working memory, overall intelligence (I.Q.), and attention span. Researchers also noted the creatine group had less mental fatigue compared to those taking a placebo. [48 - 53]

Lion's Mane Mushroom. Lion’s mane mushroom extract contains hericenones and erinacines compounds. They are potent NGF stimulators that help boost memory and cognitive health by repairing and rebuilding nerve cells. Research also shows that lion’s mane mushroom extract can help improve mood and concentration. [54 - 58]

Turmeric (Curcumin). Turmeric is another ayurvedic supplement. Its primary bioactive ingredient is curcumin, which has antioxidant and nootropic properties. It enhances learning, memory, and mood by boosting brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). BDNF is a critical factor in supporting neurogenesis, a process that promotes the growth and integration of new neurons. BDNF also contributes to the brain’s overall plasticity and adaptability. Curcumin also has neuroprotective properties that can defend against inflammation damage. It can support mood, too, by increasing serotonin and dopamine neurotransmitter levels. An 18-month clinical trial studied curcumin’s effects on healthy adults without cognitive impairments. They found that participants taking curcumin showed better memory, both in terms of verbal memory (remembering words) and visual memory (remembering things they saw). They also experience better attention improvements compared to a group taking a placebo. PureBulk carries curcumin 95% natural turmeric extract powder and curcumin 95% natural turmeric extract softgels. [59 - 68]

Tyrosine. Tyrosine is an essential precursor to form all catecholamines, most notably the hormone neurotransmitters dopamine, epinephrine (adrenaline), and norepinephrine. Catecholamines help the brain deal with stress and regulate moods. Tyrosine is an intriguing nootropic compound, as it helps boost cognitive performance during stressful situations. For example, sleep deprivation, extreme weather, and demanding cognitive loads (the mental burden or workload associated with thinking, learning, and problem-solving) significantly impair working memory and information processing by depleting brain catecholamine levels. Research shows that tyrosine enhances cognitive function during challenging or adverse conditions by counteracting this catecholamine depletion. One study noted that participants taking tyrosine supplements experienced better working memory and cognitive control while performing tasks that placed a high demand on short-term memory.

Tyrosine also boosts creativity and can help people achieve a flow state. Many refer to the flow state as being “in the zone.” It refers to a mental state where individuals fully immerse and engage in an activity, often losing track of time. They experience heightened focus and concentration and derive a sense of joy or fulfillment from the experience. Research shows that tyrosine also stimulates convergent thinking, a problem-solving process that narrows down possibilities to find a single, correct solution. While divergent thinking has a stronger link to creativity than convergent thinking, researchers found that tyrosine enhanced performance in creative tasks that required cognitive control, precision, and selecting the best solution within defined parameters. Fields such as architectural design, engineering problem-solving, and computer programming and coding frequently rely on this kind of creativity. Researchers also believe that tyrosine stimulates creative thinking by influencing dopamine activity. Dopamine fuels creativity by modulating neuron firing thresholds and controlling information flow. These mechanisms stimulate the brain to generate multiple ideas and form novel connections between previously unrelated concepts. PureBulk carries L-Tyrosine and its acetylated derivative N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine (NALT). [69 - 77]

References and Research

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